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Identification and prediction of injuries with long term consequences

Reference number
Coordinator Autoliv Development Aktiebolag - Autoliv Research
Funding from Vinnova SEK 5 467 420
Project duration October 2017 - December 2020
Status Completed
Venture Traffic safety and automated vehicles -FFI
End-of-project report 2017-03070eng.pdf(pdf, 4196 kB) (In Swedish)

Important results from the project

The purpose of the project was to develop methods and tools for evaluating the risk of injuries with long term consequences to the head and upper extremities. Both mechanical and virtual tools and methods were developed and together with the knowledge of accident configurations used to evaluate bicycle helmets, various airbag concepts and concepts to reduce the risk of injuries to the upper extremities. The knowledge was disseminated through “workshops, publications and conference participations.

Expected long term effects

Injuries with long term consequences cause a lot of human suffering and are costly to society. To enable the development of protection systems that can significantly reduce the number of injured with injuries with long term consequences in future car and bicycle accidents, knowledge has been generated, methods and tools have been developed. A mechanical and virtual test method for evaluating upper extremity injury risk has been developed. In addition, the human model SAFER HBM has been further developed through an improved head model and upper extremity models.

Approach and implementation

The project has been a collaboration between academia and industry. The academic partner has, together with the industrial partners, developed tools and methods for head and upper extremity injury assessment. The work of the academic party has to a large extent been carried out by a post doctoral student, a doctoral student and through supervision of master’s degree projects. The industrial parties have used the tools and methods to evaluate existing protection systems as well as developing new protection system concepts.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 16 March 2021

Reference number 2017-03070