Idea lock for stustainable community development
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Piteå kommun - KOMMUNLEDNINGSKONTORET |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 3 573 324 |
Project duration | November 2016 - December 2019 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Idéslussar i kommuner |
Call | 2015-06987-en |
Important results from the project
The idea hub project in Piteå/Skellefteå has the goal of creating innovative culture and structure by working with the entire chain in the organization for digital innovation in line with residents´ needs. Innovative culture has been largely achieved through idea support, new concepts and increased competence in new ways of conducting management and support. Work remains to structure innovation from a system perspective. Common support functions and its "game idea" have been developed, as well as collaboration within the organization and with regional/other external parties,
Expected long term effects
One effect has been the combination of control signals and good examples that have created courage, legitimacy and interest for a common movement. This, together with activities for more target groups at different levels, has in itself led to pressure for change. Pressure and new values have emerged in and outside the organization about; gender equality, co-creation and collaborative procurement. When methods and insights have been applied in digital innovation, it has been of great benefit and has generated examples that are at the forefront, nationally and internationally.
Approach and implementation
The Ideahub has been a catalyst for renewal and tests based on the objectives and capabilities in the municipalities that already existed in combination with external experts. Focus has been on capacity to innovate, based on residential needs and co-worker involvement. Similarly, to ensure that the possibilities of digitalization are utilized. The learning has been applied in coordinated internal support and in interaction with other actors. Putting innovation management in the control system with TBSL and digitalisation strategy is important for continued sustainability.