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ICE - Service innovation for health and care

Reference number
Coordinator Linköpings universitet - Institutionen för datavetenskap
Funding from Vinnova SEK 5 000 000
Project duration January 2008 - November 2011
Status Completed

Important results from the project

The point of departure for the project ICE is the expansive service context involving health and home-care. In this context, the possibilities for successful service innovations are excellent. However, the service context faces three challenges and these are: > to create possibilities for individual actors to work with innovations based on the service technology that they are part of; > to establish the right conditions for a number of individuals to, under open forms, contribute with more ideas, thus enabling additional actors to work with a broad foundation when promoting good ser-vice development > to involve users in early phases of innovations so that services developed at a later stage initially have high quality and possibilities of succeeding.

Expected long term effects

The project´s research consists mainly of design research, focusing two aspects of service innovation: design methods in the front end of innovation, and strategies for user involvement and mechanisms for exclusion. The former highlights which methods that are suitable for early phases. The latter illustrates the mechanisms for exclusion that different involvement strategies bring about.

Approach and implementation

To enable innovation with a high degree of involvement of the many actors that are part of this context, ICE will develop forms for and try so called trading zones, in cooperation with the growth initiative New Tools for Health. Within these trading zones, ICE will utilise, develop and test user intensive design methods with high degree of empathy. This implies that the methods involve users who try out service innovations before these are in an actual phase of development. This approach creates high quality descriptions of service innovations. Reliable methods are introduced and new methods are developed taking service design as a starting point, for example, empathy tools, personas, experience prototyping, crowdsourcing, scenarios, design probes. Other relevant methods build on an ethnographic and situated approach.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2007-02892