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I-Tex, Intelligent usage of Innovative Textiles for a healthier near patient environment in hospitals

Reference number
Coordinator SP SVERIGES TEKNISKA FORSKNINGSINSTITUT AB - SP Kemi, material och ytor, Stockholm
Funding from Vinnova SEK 9 000 000
Project duration May 2014 - November 2016
Status Completed
Venture Challenge-driven innovation - Phase 2 Collaboration
Call Challenge-driven innovation - Stage 2 Collaboration (2014)

Important results from the project

The objective of the project has been to study the hospital bacterial environment and by using innovative textile materials reduce the spread of healthcare associated infections, HAI. The project has well fulfilled the project objectives. We have produced a variety of textile materials including blouses and trousers that have been tested in the hospital environment, with positive results. The collaboration between the partners has worked well and there is a strong desire to take the results further and continue with the independent arena that the project has contributed to.

Expected long term effects

The project has gathered knowledge about spread of diseases and mapped the bacteria and textile interactions in the hospital environment. The project has created and evaluated antibacterial-, bacteria repellent fabrics and textiles modified with beneficial bacteria. Tests have shown that the fabrics can be produced, washed, and used and that they have a very positive bacterial effect both in the laboratory and in the real environment. The project has contributed to an increased cooperation between the different partners and an increased awareness of hygiene and cleanliness.

Approach and implementation

The project has been divided into three main areas; antimicrobial- repellent textiles, bacteria-containing fabrics (´probiotic´), and behavioral studies in combination with bacterial measurements. These three areas have in turn had a number of sub-projects in where related issues were handled. The project has been coordinated by SP, with the assistance of a steering committee with five members. Project meetings with all participants have taken place every six months. WP leader updates every second week. The reference group has been used when needed in connection with reports.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2014-00719