Hackaton with the programming language R and Kolada
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Coordinator | Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting - Center för eSamhället |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 45 000 |
Project duration | April 2015 - June 2015 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The aim of the project was to develop innovative applications for both municipal and county data using programming language R. This was achieved through the implementation of a hackathon based on Koladadata and programming language R. The winning team got to present their solution in the conference ´Offentliga rummet´ 1st to 3d June in Visby, partly in connection with the Networking Day with focus on open data on June 1st and during one of the seminars on 2nd of June. SKL and SRUG acclaimed both the hackathon winner on each organization´s website.
Expected long term effects
The main theme of the hackathon was school data that is freely available through Kolada and Statistics Sweden. The aim was to create applications that provide both analysis and answers common questions wich municipal and / or school is best at giving good education. The winning team created an application using a regression model that made it possible to compare schools´ performance in relation to, among other things, socio-economic conditions
Approach and implementation
Phase 1: The hackathon was conducted Saturday 16th of May in SKL´s premises at Hornsgatan 15 in Stockholm. Some 40 participants took part. The event included lectures and workshops on available open data, how to create simple applications with ´Shiny´ and some general introduction to the programming language´R´. Phase 2: The winning team participated at the conference ´Offentliga rummet´ in Visby and presented their final solution at 2 separate occasions. Partly 1st of june on the networking day around open data and also the 2nd of june during the seminar theme ´öppet spår´.