Graphene-functionalized wood fiber composite for heat dissipating cases in personal electronics
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Coordinator | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB - RISE |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 300 000 |
Project duration | June 2023 - February 2024 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Strategic innovation program SIO Grafen |
Call | Collaboration for commercial applications of graphene: Feasibility studies and preparation project |
Important results from the project
This project aimed to develop a cost- and energy-efficient process to functionalize wood fiber with monolayer graphene in the liquid phase to create a new thermal filler with improved thermal conductivity.
Expected long term effects
The project resulted in successful graphene coating on wood fiber and facilitating an efficient composite production process. The graphene adding functions to the wood fiber fillers: 1, improved the thermal conductivity of the wood fiber. 2, the airborne graphene decreased during composite production.
Approach and implementation
Project was completed according to schedule and delivered the result as planned. Project partners have cooperated well and have formulated a good work flow for continued cooperation.