Goal conflicts in the green transition: A method toolbox for cultural value creation in planning
Reference number | |
Coordinator | SWECO Sverige AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 3 848 300 |
Project duration | November 2023 - November 2025 |
Status | Ongoing |
Venture | 2023-03437-en |
Purpose and goal
Integrate cultural and value-creating perspectives in the planning of attractive living environments and provide a multidimensional methodological toolbox to support stakeholder interaction. Prevent goal conflicts linked to the green transition in the north by better taking advantage of windows of opportunity in the planning for the built environment, its policy and practice.
Expected effects and result
The project contributes to preventing goal conflicts and creates synergies between green industry and cultural values, promotes circularity and strengthens the actors´ institutional capacity in the planning process with a developed exchange of knowledge between municipalities, industry and other relevant actors. The project delivers a multidimensional method toolbox as support for actors and collaboration in the green transition by integrating value-creating perspectives and cultural values in the adaptation of an accepted holistic method framework (SymbioCity).
Planned approach and implementation
The project applies a ´mixed method approach´ with a case study method as a framework for interviews, roundtable discussions, field studies and with a transdisciplinary, design-based actor collaboration. An iterative co-creation process builds new knowledge and develops methods based on selected "learning cases" in municipalities - places where new industrial establishments linked to the green industry started or planned. The involved municipalities will also be a central part of the method development and evaluation of a concrete toolbox that the project develops.