GigaHertz Centre Stage 3
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Coordinator | CHALMERS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA AKTIEBOLAG - Institutionen för mikroteknologi och nanovetenskap |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 21 000 000 |
Project duration | January 2012 - December 2014 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The objective is to carry out joint research in selected high-frequency technologies and to bring the results from Chalmers to industrial exploitation, in particular through the company partners. Three main targets have been set up: 50 Scientific publications. Result: 78. 8 PhDs. Result: 3. 5 industriella impact cases. Result: 9. All goals have been achieved.
Expected long term effects
High personal mobility between industry and university. Hiring of 10 PhDs from Chalmers to relevant industry. 50% scientific co-publishing Chalmers and industry. 8 companies updated technical roadmaps. 2 patents, 12 licenses and 197 cases of early disclosing of results from Chalmers to partners. 8 companies manufacturing new or improved products and 10 companies utilizing results in the industrial development. 2 SME partners growing. 9 documented concrete cases of industrial impact.
Approach and implementation
Four focused research projects, each one involving Chalmers and several world-leading companies. High-quality multi-disciplinary research covering essential parts of the supply value chain for academic and industrial competitiveness. Documentation of the centre impact from research to innovation to uptake in industry. The international evaluation panel concluded at the end of Stage 3 that: ´GHz Centre is an excellent example of a VINN Excellence Centre producing good output with high impact´.