Food in robust circular systems - MACRO
Reference number | |
Coordinator | STOCKHOLMS KOMMUN - Exploateringskontoret |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 8 030 496 |
Project duration | May 2016 - December 2018 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Challenge-driven innovation - Phase 2 Collaboration |
Call | Challenge-driven innovation - Stage 2 Collaboration 2016 (spring) |
Important results from the project
The purpose is to contribute to the development of sustainable wastewater systems that refines the city´s residual products for reuse. The aim of MACRO was to develop support packages for a large-scale implementation of source separating wastewater systems in urban areas and peri-urban areas. It included both social and technical system development. Within the project, results have been developed that can be used by any actors who aims at implementing source separating wastewater management. The technology development has contributed to the critical issues have been investigated
Expected long term effects
Two indicators have been used to evaluate the outcome - New partnerships have been established. Through MACRO, a formalized cooperation, between Helsingborg and Stockholm, with similar challenges, has been established. They have been able to support each other through MACRO. LTH, RISE, Ecoloop and Sweden Water Research have all jointly contributed to this collaboration. - MACRO has contributed to increased knowledge. Through a questionnaire to the partners, 57% answered that their knowledge has increased "a lot" and another 29% that it has increased "Relatively much"
Approach and implementation
MACRO is a merger of two UDI-1 projects with different focus, one was a planning project and the other a technology development project. MACRO has therefore been implemented more or less in two parallel tracks with few commonalities. For those parties that had common challenges, MACRO has contributed to good cooperation between organizations and cities through the activities that have been implemented. In this way, the project has contributed to a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges that exist and to an increased consensus.