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FireSense, data analysis for the efficient use of biomass while preventing spontaneous combustion.

Reference number
Coordinator SkyAlert AB
Funding from Vinnova SEK 600 000
Project duration February 2022 - May 2024
Status Ongoing
Venture Strategic innovation programme for process industrial IT and automation – PiiA
Call PiiA: Data analysis in process industrial value chains, autumn 2021

Purpose and goal

This project aims to develop a next-gen biomass monitoring solution that relies on a distributed network of multiple probes called SPEARs each equipped with a sensory system capable of monitoring the physical parameters of biomass to detect the conditions that result in its self ignition. This project has several key goals: To develop the hardware required to monitor the internal conditions of biomass effectively. To establish patterns in gathered data to detect and classify risks. To deliver to partners actionable information to prevent auto ignition and improve fuel efficiency.

Expected effects and result

Our expectations for this project is that it shall yield: The creation and implementation of an effective and scalable hardware solution for monitoring the internal conditions of biofuel stacks. A deep understanding of the internal processes contributing to spontaneous combustion in biofuel, and the precursor signals of said process. The development and deployment of a predictive risk assessment and classification algorithm. A system which signals actionable alerts when high risk conditions are detected.

Planned approach and implementation

Our milestones: (Week) 1: Specification for hardware and software teams 2 Aquire hardware components 3 Software development, UI design 6 Data gathering software package 8 Data processing software package 9 Unified server and connectivity packages 10 Deliver UI 11 System testing 12 System deployment preparations 18 First deployment 22 Real time data gathering and system performance testing 25 Presentation to Kraftringen´s team 27 Feedback based improvement 29 Second deployment 32 System evaluation 35 Presentation to E.ON´s team 36 Final report and future development assessment

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 28 November 2023

Reference number 2021-04932

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