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FireSense, data analysis for the efficient use of biomass while preventing spontaneous combustion.

Reference number
Coordinator SkyAlert AB
Funding from Vinnova SEK 600 000
Project duration February 2022 - May 2024
Status Ongoing
Venture Strategic innovation programme for process industrial IT and automation – PiiA
Call PiiA: Data analysis in process industrial value chains, autumn 2021

Important results from the project

This project aimed to develop and demonstrate a novel, high-precision sensor network for continuous monitoring, localization, and risk classification of potential spontaneous combustion zones within biomass piles. The system, designated FireSense Spears, enables the creation of an autonomous fire detection and observation platform by monitoring gasses and signals relevant to spontaneous combustion.

Expected long term effects

Integrated low-powered microcontroller and mobile network connectivity with key sensors. Established software for data collection and transmission with offsite server handling data management and visualization. Conducted comprehensive testing to ensure functionality and accuracy. The system underwent feedback based improvements to meet partner requirements. Achieved TRL 7 with demonstrations in relevant environments. This paves the way for a next-generation biomass monitoring platform with great potential to improve the safety and efficiency of the bioenergy industry

Approach and implementation

The project’s structure consisted of a series of milestones and results divided into work packages. The work packages were completed with iterative improvements after demonstrations. Vital hardware and software design and prototyping phases were severely impacted by the Ukraine war and Covid-19. The first on site visit was delayed until summer 2023. At that time, Kraftringen restructured their biofuel leadership, leading to the second onsite demonstration later in 2023. Firesense devices were improved according to partner expectations, and now fulfill many stated requirements

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 4 September 2024

Reference number 2021-04932