Faster and more efficient analytical methods for improved risk and quality management in the food supply chain
Reference number | |
Coordinator | SP SVERIGES TEKNISKA FORSKNINGSINSTITUT AB - Kemi material och ytor - medicinteknik |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 500 000 |
Project duration | May 2014 - January 2015 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Challenge-Driven Innovation – Stage 1 initiation |
Important results from the project
The mail goal has been to build a strong consortium to meet the challenge with developing faster and more efficient analysis methods for microorganisms in foods. A completed market research has strengthened the relevance of the project concept and the need for implementation of this challenge. The consortium has been complemented with new partners and the combined expertise is now unique in the world. The concept has been thoroughly analyzed and the project has been structured into work packages that effectively will work with the challenge and the different needs of the end users.
Expected long term effects
A multidisciplinary consortium with partners from government, academia, institute and companies has been formed, the project concept has been further developed and a collaboration application has been put together. A project organization consisting of a steering committee, reference group and project management has been planned and the project has been structured into working packages. The project has great potential to facilitate more effective product development, enable cost savings, growth of industry and society as well as prevention from food-borne infections.
Approach and implementation
The current project has achieved the specified objectives during the initiation phase and we will apply for next phase i.e. collaboration project. All common project meetings as well as design of working packages covering the area of interest have been efficient, successful and very rewarding. As a result we have now an updated awareness of the methods available today, a deeper understanding of the obstacles using these methods, a better knowledge of the needs of the end users and what is possible to achieve given the technology available and the combined competencies in the consortium.