Fast development of innovative pharmaceutical and food products and processes
Reference number | |
Coordinator | SP SVERIGES TEKNISKA FORSKNINGSINSTITUT AB - SP Food and Bioscience, Göteborg |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 500 000 |
Project duration | December 2014 - August 2015 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Challenge-Driven Innovation – Stage 1 initiation |
Important results from the project
The main purpose with the project was to establish a constellation of actors active within the pharma and food industry, in order to identify and map current needs and possible future investments on development of modeling and simulation tools to ensure Swedish competitiveness within innovative powder-based process- and product development. This has been achieved and at the request of the companies, the purpose has also been broadened to concern investments related to improved bulk production of food and pharmaceutical products.
Expected long term effects
The main result from Step 1 is all the contacts that have been developed with and among the participating companies, which has brought increased awareness of important common powder-related problems within the food and pharmaceutical industry. This, in turn, will ease company collaborations within and probably also outside the present initiation project, as well as enabled proper efforts to be formulated in order reach the overall aim after Step 2.
Approach and implementation
The project work was carried out as planned. However, WP 1 and WP 2 were executed partially in parallel, since the results from the company needs mapping were analyzed continuously. 3 meetings between initiating institute, academia and companies were held in order to plan the project, mapping procedure and workshop more in detail. The needs mapping was based on telephone and physical interviews, which resulted in more interaction and better results compared with a questionnaire-based approach. The workshop was also appreciated as an opportunity to form new contacts and ideas.