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FACECAR-(Flexible Assembly for considerable Environmental improvements of CAR´s)

Reference number
Coordinator Linköpings universitet
Funding from Vinnova SEK 5 100 000
Project duration September 2009 - March 2012
Status Completed
Venture FFI - Sustainable Production
End-of-project report 2009-02814_publikrapport_EN.pdf (pdf, 2228 kB)

Important results from the project

FACECAR is a strategic project for the Swedish vehicle manufacturers. The overall aim is to adapt the Swedish vehicle manufacturer´s production processes for the manufacture of environmentally friendly vehicles and thereby strengthen their competitiveness and endurance to the outside world. Problems and obstacles are critical aspects of industrialization and the achievement of producing environmentally friendly vehicles (EFV). The aim is to create conditions in the production and promotion of a rapid transition from production of conventional vehicles to produce vehicles with environmentally friendly drivetrain. Fokus for FACECAR is that short-term konceptualisera transition to a flexible assembly process and from a long-term perspective using a combination of existing and next generation technologies. The objectives are to create sustainable (economic, social, environmental) and resource-efficient assembly processes. Development of generic requirements for product changes and product architectures in the long term and faced mounting demands for process flexibility. Methods wich support assembly process increased information management. General safety in the handling of milöbränslen and energy batteries.

Expected long term effects

The project is expected to contribute to a faster and cheaper conversion to produce vehicles that meet future energy and environmental requirements. The project also gives the Swedish automotive industry a ´knowledge platform´ for both vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and researchers involved in the introduction of the EFV powertrains. Flexible assembly ideas, methods, tools and theories are identified, evaluated and developed for this particular case. Specific results: -Establish performance (implementation) of production processes at Saab, Volvo Cars and Volvo AB. -Enable collaboration between the Swedish vehicle manufacturer. -The dissemination of new trends and practices from the automotive industry to other manufacturing industries. -New knowledge for courses in MSc programs higher grades,engineering programs as well as ex-job. -Scientific papers to show Swedish Vehicle Engineering. -Popular-scientific articles and growing public environmental awareness the selection of future products.

Approach and implementation

The project constitutes seven work packages (WP) connected to each other. Each wp has a leader who is responsible to do the resarge and development within the wp´s frames. Content of wp´s: WP 1 constitutes an analysis of the current and on-going situation in industry and academy and work out starting points relevant to WP 2-6. WP 2 takes an overall approach to flexible assembly issues. WP 3, 4 and 5 respectively deals with technical assembly process design; information variation in manual assembly processes and; law abidingness and education for new EFV material. WP 3-5 and WP 2 mutually influence their results. WP 6 deals with product and process requirements based on results from WP 3-5. WP 7 coordinates and manages FACECAR in total. Virtual tools and sustainable and resource efficient production are important aspects of the total work content and is integrated in each WP.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 9 January 2020

Reference number 2009-02814