EUREKA CELTIC ENTRY100GHz: Energy-Efficient Radio Systems at 100 GHz and beyond: Antennas, Transceivers and Waveforms
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Coordinator | Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB - Avdelningen för Elteknik |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 17 212 798 |
Project duration | February 2020 - September 2024 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Eureka cluster co-funding |
Important results from the project
The project´s initial goal was to demonstrate a high-data-rate 100 GHz wireless link, with Ericsson providing the system specifications. The Swedish partners developed the transmitter (TX) components, which included a high efficiency filtering antenna based on gap waveguide technology, efficient front-end circuits with high output power, and a novel waveform. ERICSSON is a key contributor to 3GPP standardization. The project´s results will enhance its role in future standardization efforts.
Expected long term effects
In 2018, European spectrum regulator CEPT/ERC’s also opened 122.0–122.25GHz band as license free band. The US regulator FCC allocated new unlicensed bands at 116–123 GHz, 174.8–182 GHz, 185–190 GHz, and 244–246 GHz. The experience and knowledge developed within ENTRY100GHz project thus will help to to remove technological bottlenecks which hinders new 100GHz products reaching the market. In the long run it will help industrial partners to become world leader in the ICT sector in future.
Approach and implementation
The project was carried out mostly as planned. However, one of the industrial partner Arkivator had to leave the project due to their poor financial situation. Hence, the other partners such as Gapwaves and Gotmic had to contribute more in the project. Project´s execution was satisfactory with good support from industrial partners. It was good that Ericsson´s Böras facility could be used to make the complete Transmitter module´s assembly. It was considered to be challenging in the start.