Enabling efficient use of in-situ synchrotron XRD for development of high strength steel welds
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Coordinator | Scatterin AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 400 000 |
Project duration | November 2023 - November 2024 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | The strategic innovation programme SIP LIGHTer |
Call | LIGHTer small business 2023 |
Important results from the project
Within the LIGHTer Deeptech project, neutron and synchrotron X-ray data analysis software startup Scatterin AB teamed up with welding equipment and consumable producer ESAB. Scatterin have tested and validated data analysis algorithm and provided in-situ information on microstructural development in steel samples in mimicked welding conditions. In-situ synchrotron XRD (S-XRD) experiments were performed and data analysis was done in real-time using Scatterin SaaS data analysis software.
Expected long term effects
The project enabled Scatterin to validate the performance of a new data analysis algorithm for S-XRD data, which will become one of important components in data analysis software Scatterin SaaS. The acquired in-situ insights on microstructural development in mimicked welding conditions will be implemented by ESAB in their ongoing R&D efforts towards designing novel filler metal grades, enabling welding of high strength steel products for lightweighting.
Approach and implementation
In-situ S-XRD experiments in mimicked welding conditions were performed on P07 High Energy Materials Science Beamline in PETRA III synchrotron at DESY, Hamburg. Real-time and post beamtime data analysis were performed using Scatterin SaaS software for the quantification of phase fractions, dislocation density, crystallite size, and microstrain. S-XRD results were complemented by lab-scale microstructural investigations using electron microscopy and equilibrium thermodynamics predictions.