Emax Sweden 2015
Reference number | |
Coordinator | STARTcentrum Örebro Region AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 250 000 |
Project duration | January 2015 - October 2015 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
Emax Sweden gathers the foremost young entrepreneurs (18-20) in Sweden. The focus of the forum program is inspiration, knowledge and networking. Another aim is to increase the knowledge about the swedish ecosystem for entrepreneurship- and innovation. Participants; Goal 100 , Result 99 Girls: Goal 50%, Result 48% Would recommend Emax to peers: Goal 100%, Result 100% increase the knowledge about the swedish ecosystem for entrepreneurship- and innovation.: 100% of the participants say that they now know where to get support in the ecosystem.
Expected long term effects
By arranging Emax, we believe that we at an early stage enhance the participants´ self-esteem, attitudes and approaches to entrepreneurship and enterprise, to ultimately enhance business development in Sweden. We also wanted to increase the knowledge about the swedish ecosystem for entrepreneurship- and innovation. Result: 99% has become more positiv to an carrier as a entrepreneur 96% have gained more knowledge about business 80% think they will become entrepreneurs in the nearest future 100% 100% of the participants say that they now know where to get support in the ecosystem.
Approach and implementation
Emax was arranged as it was planned. The event was highly appreciated by the participants which can be seened in the evaluation. In cooperation with Vinnova and Tillväxtverket we also showed the participants the Swedish eco system for entrepreneurship- and innovation. ALMI, Verksamt, Nyföretagarcentrum, Inkubatorer, Coompanion, Drivhuset, Venture Cup and Chalmers Entreprenörsskola did all of them participate in the event presenting the support they can offer. 100% of the participants recommend Emax and 100% say that they now know where to get support in the ecosystem.