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Efficient and Integrated Transport Processes

Reference number
Coordinator Odette Sweden AB
Funding from Vinnova SEK 3 485 000
Project duration January 2010 - March 2012
Status Completed
Venture Transport Efficiency
End-of-project report 2009-04132_publikrapport_SV.pdf(pdf, 2401 kB) (In Swedish)

Important results from the project

Identify and analyze potential for developing and harmonising of administrative processes, business integration and integration of business processes between forwarders, manufacturing industries and government in order to increase transport efficiency. All done taking notice of new requirements within the field of transport security and environmental aspects. This could then be realised by developing new business integration models and new solutions for the exchange of B2B data including IT support.

Expected long term effects

In terms of new knowledge and understanding the project will lead to: New knowledge on future requirements on transport processes and business integration Workshops and seminars Improved knowledge base at regional, national and international competence platforms/centres Business related results: New business integration models and new business models that could be used buy all parties, forwarders and their customers Information models for transport process, including generic EDI specifications Concepts, definitions and tools for evaluation of environmental related parameters in connection with sourcing and follow up of transports and logistics services New implementations of applications for handling of transport security related information

Approach and implementation

The project is organised in four project steps: Initiation Mapping of present situation Analysis and evaluation of findings Conclusions and recommendations There is also a set of work packages defined: Project management and reporting Project initiation Mapping of transport process and information exchange. Pharos. Transport process at manufacturing industries, automotive OEM:s, suppliers, other industry sectors. Intermodal transports and integrated process chains. Review of new information requirements on transports. Requirements related to industrial logistics and manufacturing process. Environmental related new requirements and applications. Transport security and dangerous goods. New legal requirements. Benchmarking, exchange of knowledge and information in relation to other similar national or European initiatives and projects. Analysis and evaluation Conclusions and recommendations

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2009-04132