Reference number | |
Coordinator | Mälardalens högskola - Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, Västerås |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 4 555 779 |
Project duration | April 2016 - March 2019 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | ECSEL |
Important results from the project
The AMASS goal was to create a tool-platform for safety assurance and certification of cyber physical systems.The main goal was to reduce the certification cost for such systems. Within the project, MDH´s role was first of all the technical responsibility at global project level, and the technical responsibility for the reuse-related work package. MDH significantly contributed to the achievement of the project´s goals by developing methods and tools within almost all technical work packages.
Expected long term effects
Within AMASS, the core and open source tools EPF Composer, OpenCert and CHESS Toolset were further developed together with related tools (both open source and commercial) which can interoperate with the core ones. The methodological guidance was also developed. Circa 80 scientific papers were published. MDH contributed to 45 ut of 80. An important impact of the project was the help that industries received to apply or create by themselves new methods/tools for e.g., process modelling, variability management within a development process, which lead to the reduction of manual work.
Approach and implementation
The project was organised in nine work packages. Ass. Prof. Barbara Gallina was in charge of the overall technical management of the project as well as of WP6. Except for Guido Governatori, who joined the project for limited amount of time providing his expertise on compliance checking, overall, junior staff has joined AMASS/MDH team and under the supervision of Barbara Gallina reached the necessary level of competence needed to execute plans and reach expectations. Cooperation with other partners has been working well and resulted in timely outputs of high quality.