ECSEL 2015 RIA SafeCOP - Safe Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems using Wireless Communication, Alten.
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Coordinator | ALTEN SVERIGE AKTIEBOLAG - Alten Sverige, Kista |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 2 001 717 |
Project duration | April 2016 - June 2019 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | ECSEL |
Important results from the project
SafeCOP has identified gaps between the state of the art for safety analysis and the safety analysis required for development of cooperative systems. The proposed SafeCOP Safety Assurance framework advances the SOTA with respect to component-based development of high-integrity systems, with safety contracts related to cooperative items, and by extending the standards for modelling. SafeCOP has identified the most adequate wireless technologies in order to support the SafeCOP use cases. The integration of selected technologies has provided a state of the art communication.
Expected long term effects
The project is all about the next generation of infrastructure for autonomous systems, or safe and secure systems-of-such-systems. Assuring and providing such systems challenge the enabling deployment of solutions capable to meet important societal challenges in a broad range of domains. 1. Use inter-system communication to reach common goal; 2. Only rely on communicated information from other systems; 3. Always provide services without compromising safety. The five industry driven use cases involve three application domains: MedTech, Automotive and Marine
Approach and implementation
The requirements and analysis identified core concerns for research. We developed solution that produce the safety assurance evidence to certify cooperative functions. The assurance work was done in the work packages "Safety assurance framework for CO-CPS" and "Platform and tool support for safety assurance". We extended the current state of the art for wireless protocols by creating an application-level library and related API that acts as a “safety layer” on top of existing protocols. This work was performed in the work package "Safe and secure wireless cooperation".