Ecological compensation
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Coordinator | SVEASKOG FÖRVALTNINGS AKTIEBOLAG - Sveaskog förvaltnings AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 1 200 000 |
Project duration | December 2011 - April 2014 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The aim of the project was to 1.) present an initial proposal on standardized work for voluntary biodiversity offset projects adapted to Swedish conditions, but as far as possible in accordance with the international standard for biodiversity offsets designs developed within the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme, BBOP. 2.) to contribute to the development of markets for biodiversity and ecosystem services in Sweden.
Expected long term effects
With LKAB´s planned open-pit iron ore in Mertainen, Kiruna as a case the BBOP-standard for biodiversity offsets designs has been applied for the first time in a Swedish context. The project resulted in a proposal for a larger biodiversity offset where LKAB will financially compensate the landowner to set aside and protect the offset area for 50 years.
Approach and implementation
The BBOP standard establishes ten principles and associated criteria and indicators for designing biodiversity offsets in development projects. The goal of the standard is no net loss of biodiversity. Net is detected quantitatively by use of calculation models. The project has used an Australian calculation model which consider both area and habitat quality. Within the project the model has been adapted to habitat types representative of a boreal forest landscape.