ECO - Extended Conveyer belt system
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Luleå tekniska universitet - ProcessIT Innovations |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 500 000 |
Project duration | December 2014 - June 2015 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Strategic innovation programme for process industrial IT and automation – PiiA |
Call | Strategiska innovationsprogrammet PiiA - hösten 2014 |
Important results from the project
Project ECO Extended conveyor belt system aimed at new knowledge about possible solutions for extended functions for COBS rolls ( composite conveyor belt rolls/idlers with integrated electronics). The goals have all been reached. Investigate -if ultrasonic measurement can be used for belt detection - possibility for supervision based on vibration analysis, and how cloud based solution could be used for information presentation.
Expected long term effects
Possible method for detecting conveyor belt with ultrasonic measurement has been found in laboratory environmen and will in next step be developed to a prototype. Vibration measurements done in field installations and recommendations for equipment made and will be further developed in new project. Cloud based solution for supervision has been established and used by end customer. Project has resulted in new project request ACO that is accepted and will be done coming year. ACO continues development and will adapt to user needs.
Approach and implementation
Project was split un work packages and scientists at LTU (Luleå technical university) co-operated with product suppliers and end users. The demanding field installation environment has given valuable experiences regarding demands and construction needs. A valuable co-operation with end customers and understanding of their needs is also reached.