e-Service Platform Innelandet- eSPINN
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Örnsköldsviks kommun - Kommunledningsförvaltningen |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 2 000 000 |
Project duration | June 2012 - June 2013 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
eSpinn - next step towards Info Society 3.0 through innovative public-private partnerships to balance the level of service throughout the municipality. Public services and the speed of growth in both rural and urban areas based on citizen and community needs has improved. Result: eSPINN-platdform with Service Points with added service content, apps BygdoStad - activities in Örnsköldsvik prepared for Fishing licenses on-line, environments for rural dev, int conf ´Participation Society -Innovation in Public Sector´, int network for rural development (under construction)
Expected long term effects
An expandable platform eSPINN 1.0 with customizable service nodes SP 2.0 and as well a base for digital mobile services. eMall support for health tests online, events, offers and more is under construction - health tests on-line expected in the next step. As for events and activities have the apps (iOS & Android) BygdoStad been developed, now prepared for fishing licenses and boat rent online, working in the next step. Int Conf on co-creation community development completed and is expected to provide clustered development environments and international network for rural development
Approach and implementation
eSpinn is implemented in an iterative co-creational process with end-users where ´Should-Be Scenarios´ have been developed into services. The focus has been on formulated user needs, co-created into Should-Be-Scenarios by users and developers. The ´Should-be Scenarios´, desirable scenarios based on life situations, are successively challenged by new perspectives and services which results in a continuous adaptation to future societal development. This model leads to viral marketing and distribution and changes in attitudes as many end users have been active in the process.