Drive Sweden Test Site Automated Highway II
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Coordinator | CHALMERS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA AKTIEBOLAG - SAFER - Fordons- och trafiksäkerhetscentrum |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 158 698 |
Project duration | December 2016 - October 2017 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The project aims at improving visibility and coordination among actors and projects for test and demo of autonomous regional and long haul transports. Regular meetings with the project parties and cooperatin with CLOSER has helped to provide a common view of what is going on in the area. Two workshops and a pre-study based on interviews have been performed to clarify vision and targets, and to define what infrasructure would be needed to support test and demo of automated goods transports. Two project proposals have been developed, though none of these have been approved so far.
Expected long term effects
The project has this far mainly resulted in a good dialogue and information exchange between the involved parties. The number of companies has also gone from 3 to 7, indicating that there is a broader interest for the subject. There is a great interest among the companies involved, but to create and develop more project proposals a dedicated resource will be needed that can take lead. Two project proposals have been made but have not been selected for continuation in Drive Sweden/Vinnova’s selection process. A pre-study has been performed based on interviews with different stake holders.
Approach and implementation
The project work has been based on regular meetings with the companies. In addition, a pre-study based on interviews and two focus workshops have been conducted. There has also been dissemination in connection with conferences and meetings. For the future, there will be a need for more involvement of researchers (not only company representatives) and a resource that can drive the development of new project proposals. There is a great interest among the involved companies, but it’s difficult to get individual companies to take the initiative to start up new pre-studies/projects.