Distributed vehicle control of a platoon
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Scania CV Aktiebolag - Predevelopment Dept REP, Systems Development |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 8 098 301 |
Project duration | March 2009 - March 2013 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Transport Efficiency |
End-of-project report | 2009-01424_publikrapport_SV.pdf(pdf, 493 kB) (In Swedish) |
Important results from the project
Today traffic intensity is high on Europes main roads and the energy used for transporting goods on these roads is enormous and grooving. By use of Platooning the transportsystem can be utilized more efficiently. This project is going to develop and investigate system architecture for autonomous control of a platoon. The work will be done in three system architecture with a grooving complexity; the first step will utilize information of the traffic form onboard sensors (e.g. laser, camera, etc); the second step will include information gained form communication between vehicles; the third step will include information from a fixed infrastructure.
Expected long term effects
The result of the project will be a PhD thesis and a number of scientific papers that will address the topics of System architecture Optimal control of a platoon Demands of the systems performance used for the control Management of the platoon with respect of surrounding traffic and internal dynamic. Result verification in a real test environment Development of a test platform for evaluation of control algorithm A number of master thesis will also be presented.
Approach and implementation
The project will be in four main steps. One step will address question of business model, juridical and management aspects of a platoon. The other steps will focus of control of the platoon with increasing degree of communication between vehicles, such as Step 1 control using distance sensors Step 2 control using distance sensors and V2V Step 3 control using distance sensors and V2X