Development of a speed standard
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Coordinator | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB - RISE |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 875 000 |
Project duration | November 2023 - December 2026 |
Status | Ongoing |
Purpose and goal
The aim of the project is to construct a speed standard that is traceable to the SI units of length (metre) and time (second). In a laboratory environment, the standard must be able to realise different speeds, in one direction, to be able to check existing reference systems for speed measurement and some types of speed measuring instruments. The aim is to investigate two principles for a speed standard, choose according to practicality and measurement uncertainty, followed by construction, evaluation, and dissemination.
Expected effects and result
The result is a unique asset for checking speed measuring equipment against and an increased capability at the national metrology institute in speed measurement. The effect of this is the potential for increased accuracy of traffic monitoring systems in Sweden, as the reference systems that check these can be improved by checking against a speed standard. The project also increases the capability for the national metrology institute to assist industry with checking instruments for speed measurement of, e.g., production lines, rollers, wire, and cable length gauges etc.
Planned approach and implementation
Year 1 begins with the choice of measurement principle and design of the standard. The choice is based on the most suitable speed range for the realization, resulting measurement uncertainty and feasibility. Design is supported by a measurement uncertainty budget. Parts are selected based on their influence on resulting measurement uncertainty. Year 2 is dominated by design, calibration, programming, measurement uncertainty calculation and initial tests. During year 3 commissioning, validation, writing of instructions, results report and dissemination are planned.