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Configurable battery packs for cost efficient fossil free transports

Reference number
Coordinator Sem AB
Funding from Vinnova SEK 14 526 780
Project duration July 2022 - June 2025
Status Ongoing
Venture Calls within the Hållbar Industri area
Call Upscaling for a sustainable industry 2022

Purpose and goal

Scania CV AB and SEM AB plans to demonstrate a controllable battery in year 2024, intended for future usage in battery electric trucks. The battery is divided into several modules, that can be switched on or off with transistors, via a microcontroller. One goal with this control action is to control to what level each battery module is used and at the same time to control the voltage across the battery. The purpose is to increase the efficiency of the electrical driveline and to prolong the lifetime of the battery.

Expected effects and result

As result of the project, a 300 kWh battery is expected to be demonstrated with controllable voltage and current, where every battery module can be used to it’s capacity with a built-in fast turn-off function. The project is expected to prolong the lifetime of the battery, simplify vehicle integration, decrease charging time, give possibility to mix new and old battery modules, increase electrical safety and simplify second life usage of truck batteries.

Planned approach and implementation

The electronics and the fast control action is developed by SEM. Scania deals with integration of the electronics with the battery cells, including packaging and cooling. Scania will also develop software for how to control the battery, with the purpose to optimize e. g the lifetime of the battery. The battery will be tested at Scania, in a setup which simulates typical vehicle usage. During the project also other test setups will be developed, to test different subsystems.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 21 January 2025

Reference number 2022-01250