Commuting- 36 / 5 000 Översättningsresultat behavioral change with digital support
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Coordinator | Borlänge kommun - Borlänge kommun Miljökontoret |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 1 823 399 |
Project duration | November 2022 - July 2024 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The project aims to promote mobility services for commuting between the city center and the countryside based on a digital ride-sharing service and activities for behavioral change both with management and employees. Objective during the project: - Identify and analyze behavioral patterns for changing travel habits - Develop strategy for more efficient commuting choices - Test and pilot a model for a new digital shared mobility service with (behavioral patterns as a starting point) The project has analyzed travel patterns and behaviors, developed strategy and implemented a pilot.
Expected long term effects
Surveys showed a good interest in carpooling as a way of commuting to work. The pilot also showed good volumes in terms of active users and generated rides. However, the number of requests for carpooling was few and completed carpooling was very few. The willingness to offer a place for carpooling was high, while the willingness to ride alone with a colleague was very low. During the pilot, the conditions in the organizations changed, which led to limited resources affecting the results. However, a number of activities have been carried out, which is why the expected effect is limited.
Approach and implementation
In order to obtain results from the project, the starting point has been to carry out an analysis of the employees of the participating organizations and identify areas where possible matches for shared work commuting are favorable. The service was structured in a single larger group for a larger matching basis instead of four individual groups with internal matching per organization. The strategy was based on behavioral and organizational psychology perspectives to explore and test incentives for using the service and the likelihood of behavior change.