Purpose and goal
The project aims to, with the support of Business Sweden and their team in India, identify, qualify and introduce RespiHeart to potential medical technology companies. The goal is to establish a partnership with an Indian medical technology company for product development and commercialization of RespiHeart in India.
Expected effects and result
Short-term effects of the competence support concern the possibility of implementing and exposing the RespiHeart method in relation to potential partners in the Indian market. In the longer term, the expected result is a collaboration that will lead to the first commercial product based on RespiHeart´s IP.
Planned approach and implementation
The project is carried out in three main stages:
1. Planning and preparation (Nov) - specification of IP, offer and definition of criteria and characteristics of potential partner companies
2. Identification and qualification of partners (Dec-Jan)
3. Implementation of meetings and follow-up (Feb-Mar)
The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.