Collective procurement service for energy efficiency
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Energieffektiviseringsföretagen Eef |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 499 000 |
Project duration | November 2022 - December 2023 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | energy efficiency of society |
Call | Innovations for reduced electricity use |
Important results from the project
The goal was to attract 15 brf (housing co-op) to a joint procurement to lower energy costs and contribute to climate goals. The target group has obstacles such as lack of time and knowledge. 20 brfs have expressed interest, but no one has purchased new equipment yet. Reasons can be; 1. Time (too little time for decisions within the project time), 2. Finances (decisions to raise fees makes it difficult to justify investments), 3. Washing machine in apartments (when laundry room is used less, it is difficult to justify investments) The project has contributed to brfs opening their eyes to joint procurement.
Expected long term effects
** Denna text är maskinöversatt ** The platform Klimatspararna has become better known among brfs and energy and climate advisors. This means that there will be a greater chance for the next joint procurement. We had expected that some purchases would have been made within the project period, but this was not the case. Another positive results is that Installatorsforetagens participation contributed to increased awareness of joint procurement among installers.
Approach and implementation
** Denna text är maskinöversatt ** A project group consisting of representatives from Sustainable Innovation, Eneff, Fastighetsägarna Stockholm, Installatörsföretagen, energy and climate consultancy Järfälla and an expert in energy-efficient laundring, produced a project plan where the emphasis was on marketing. Great importance was also placed on developing a requirements specification and for this a procurement consultant was brought in. Analysis of results shows that we would have put even more effort into marketing and had a longer project time.