CoFAS Compressor and Fan Aeroelasticity and Stability limits
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Coordinator | GKN Aerospace Sweden AB - Avd 9005 |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 4 350 000 |
Project duration | November 2019 - June 2023 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | National Aeronautical Research Program 7 |
Call | Research project in aviation technology - spring 2019 |
Important results from the project
Engines using BLI (Boundary Layer Ingestion) has a significant potential to reduce fuel consumption of future aircraft and is an example of a technology where the engine operates in significant distortion. The CoFAS goal is to improve capabilities for analysis of conditions that occur in operation as well as to enable optimized designs. Models and design methods are developed in the project using advanced analysis tools for simulation of aeroelasticity with distorted inlets.
Expected long term effects
The focus of the project lies on numerical models. In order to validate the theoretical findings, test data is needed that cannot be extracted from available experiments. Collaborations have been formed for that purpose with partners having common interests and unique test capabilities that are suited for the validation. The results will enable designs that are suitable for future more efficient engines with a lower environmental impact.
Approach and implementation
Available numerical models have been used to analyse compressor and fans. A design proposed for a demonstrator of a boundary layer ingesting fan was introduced for developing the models. Test objects have been designed and tested in collaboration with partners in order to validate the models and the fan designs. Publications of the findings have resulted in eight peer reviewed conference papers and journal articles.