Clear Water
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Coordinator | Luleå kommun - TEKNISKA FÖRVALTNINGEN |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 1 749 000 |
Project duration | December 2011 - June 2014 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
Parameters to identify wastewater in storm sewers have been evaluated and are now tested in a sewage system. Results shows that a combination of parameters that can be measured on-line (e.g. temperature, conductivity, turbidity) and specific sampling (e.g. caffeine) can be an efficient way to identify untreated discharges from illicit connections to receiving water and raw water sources. A prototype based on Mulle v6.2 with low electricity use and solar cell driven sensors sending information wireless was developed and tested together with three types of level meters.
Expected long term effects
The project has attracted attention and this kind methodology is asked for. Sewer owners can with the derived methodology work more systematically to identify illicit connected sewers and control overflow points to decrease discharges of untreated wastewater to receiving waters and raw water sources to decrease health risks and environmental pollution. Since the platform is cheap, there is a potential to create a product that can be placed at many places to increase the control of the system. This project has resulted in a new project having the same aim but applies another method.
Approach and implementation
The potential of the quality parameters was evaluated theoretically before equipment was purchased and assembled. It was challenging to find a good way to evaluate the equipment and methodology but now a suitable test site have been built in a double piped Luleå sewer system where the prototype now is tested and the methodology can be further developed. Verification of the equipment is planned in Östersund. The development of overflow control units was carried out in the lab where LTU/Eislab was responsible for technical development and the Urban water group urban water knowledge.