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Circular economy transition - how can the agricultural sector contribute?

Reference number
Coordinator Högskolan i Halmstad - Akademin för ekonomi, teknik och naturvetenskap
Funding from Vinnova SEK 963 939
Project duration January 2019 - October 2020
Status Completed
Venture Circular and biobased economy
Call Policy and behavioral issues for a biobased circular economy

Important results from the project

The purpose of the project was to investigate the possibilities to develop a circular economy in the agricultural sector through biogas production. There are opportunities for this development in Falkenberg municipality but unfortunately bureaucracy and complicated rules together with lack off support and encouragement result in failure of many biogas projects. This project concludes that there is a need for a facilitator that can gather actors with different roles in the process and se possibilities, collaborations and remove obstacles that inhibits business model innovation.

Expected long term effects

Effects of the project can be a larger amount of produced, utilized and sold biogas in Falkenberg municipality. Business development can result in a number of new projects and applications for support that will create jobs and local production of vehicle fuel. Increased biogas production will contribute to the climate goals in several ways which can be quantified in lower emissions of CO2 equivalents. If the projects results are implemented the development of business models will lead to more biogas produced on farms and more nutrients will be circulated through the use of biomanure.

Approach and implementation

The project arrangement with workshops, surveys and interviews with different actors within the municipality was successful since it gave a good picture of the situation and the different obstacles and driving forces for a circular economy in agriculture. The actors different roles and possibilities to contribute to the transition showed the need for a facilitator that can work independently with politicians, authorities and companies. What the final role of the facilitator, where it should be placed and competence needed will be discussed further and coordinated between actors.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 20 November 2020

Reference number 2018-04684