Cavity acoustics and Rossiter modes - CARE
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Coordinator | GKN Aerospace Sweden AB - Avd 9005 |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 5 041 556 |
Project duration | September 2019 - June 2023 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | National Aeronautical Research Program 7 |
Call | Research project in aviation technology - spring 2019 |
Important results from the project
Three experimental cavity builds have been studied and several measurement campaigns are performed. A database with the results has been created and shared between partners and measurement reports for the builds have been created. The measurement results provide a detailed database of the acoustic resonances of different cavities and their relationship to cavity depth and operating conditions. The database forms a valuable validation source for analysis of cavity resonances.
Expected long term effects
An extensive experimental measurement database for code validation has been created. Results have been presented in three conference papers (ASME 2021, ICAS 2022, ISUAAAT 2022) MSc thesis on numerical modelling in commercial CFD software (spring 2023) for Build 1 with good agreement to the performed measurements. Two future publications are on the way, one lead by industry and one lead by academia in collaboration with an international university.
Approach and implementation
The university performed flow acoustic measurements in generic cavity builds, with increased complexity that generated valuable data for the industry to validate and develop in-house design tools. Internal reports and publications were written to support the findings and distribute the results. Since the shear layer flow over the cavity opening is heavily related to the incoming boundary layer a boundary layer suction was commissioned that will further boost the outcomes of future studies.