Business models for open platform for shared charging infrastructure
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Rearq AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 1 820 000 |
Project duration | March 2022 - June 2023 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Transport Efficiency |
Call | Efficient and connected transport systems - FFI - December 2021 |
End-of-project report | 2021-05029svenska.pdf(pdf, 2603 kB) (In Swedish) |
Important results from the project
Actors build charging infrastructure for their own, and others´, vehicle charging capabilities. Digitization has created opportunities for new business models, which have been researched and developed, where important prerequisites are sharing information and to allow for booking. A demonstrator was created to show and analyze operational challenges, a model was used to investigate how charge management affects power output and costs for el. The project shows great potential to share charging infrastructure but that there are still a number of barriers to overcome.
Expected long term effects
The result shows that with effective digital tools it is possible to share infrastructure, increasing both utilization rate and creating a lower overall investment need. There are several possible business models, but initially it is clear that simplicity should be pursued. Actors today already work with smart charging and that the potential is great, which can reduce power peaks by 50%. Even if shared charging is considered self-evident, it is not a focus for the electricity grid companies´ perspective at the moment, but this can change if predictability and co-planning are created.
Approach and implementation
The project has been carried out by using interview studies, which were compiled and analyzed before being discussed in a reference group to both gain new inputs and to validate the interview studies. Furthermore, a demonstrator was created to test and validate the possibilities of sharing charging infrastructure through an administrative system to both make charging infrastructure available and offer the possibility of booking while the sharing actor got a clear control and overview of it.