Boundary Conditions for Vehicle Automation - Year 3
Reference number | |
Coordinator | CHALMERS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA AKTIEBOLAG - SAFER - Fordons- och trafiksäkerhetscentrum |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 933 823 |
Project duration | January 2015 - December 2015 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Traffic safety and automated vehicles -FFI |
Call | 2014-03964-en |
Important results from the project
The project was founded on the need for a collaboration platform for Swedish industry in the area of Automated Vehicles (AV). Focus is to shred light on areas beyond technology and where the project partners have shared interest. This could e.g. include V2V communication, legal aspects, infrastructure requirements and more. Another target has been to inform other parties in society and academia in the form of seminars and scientific publications.
Expected long term effects
The project has over the years 2013 - 2015 arranged a number of seminars in areas meant to challenge the technology around AVs or areas where public trust in automation has reached a higher maturity than in the vehicle industry, such as robotic surgery, risk for motion sickness in AVs, pilots and autopilots and automation in the agricultural sector. These seminars have been popular and well attended. Today there are other fora for collaboration and as the project comes to an end a transfer of skills and focus areas has been made and agreed involving SAFER and Drive Sweden.
Approach and implementation
In the early phases of the project workshops were used to find potential areas for collaboration. A number of studies were made, among others a State-of-Art analysis, with the target to lead to more elaborate applications for scientific research in collaboration between industry and academia. At present an application has been handed in to Trafikverket (portfolio 9 air traffic) regarding ICT support for safety at airports. The Steering Group meetings (appr. 4 times / year) have been a much appreciated way for the partners to discuss, more informally, challenges and areas of interest.