Arenaproject PTC February 2017 Brogrens Level 2
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Swerea IVF AB - Avdelningen för Tillverkning |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 325 000 |
Project duration | March 2017 - December 2017 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Innovair/SMF |
Important results from the project
The aim was to establish cooperation with support from simulation between SME´s so that they will be able to virtual evaluate different manufacturing methods. The goal was to identify what is required concerning simulation methodology and data in order to evaluate hydroforming and laserwelding compared to quintusforming and laserwelding.
Expected long term effects
The conclusion is that there is a need to identify and develop appropriate damage criteria for more accurate simulations of hydroforming and quintusforming. There is also a need for material data for simulation of laser welding in Haynes 282 material. This will be investigated and developed in a new SME Flyg project that will in January 2018. This will lead to more accurate FEM simulations and improved possibilities for virtual evaluation of the manufacturing methods.
Approach and implementation
The investigation was conducted with support from practical tests with simulation using FEM. An existing vane in Haynes 282 was chosen as test object. Forming tools were developed based on a CAD-model of the vane. HDL then simulated hydroforming and Jobro simulated quintusforming in Autoform. Output concerning mesh and stresses was sent to Brogrens who conducted a welding simulation in LS-Dyna. The results were evaluated and the need for method development and material data was identified.