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Analysis of crash event data recorder data with video

Reference number
Coordinator CHALMERS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA AKTIEBOLAG - SAFER - Fordons- och trafiksäkerhetscentrum
Funding from Vinnova SEK 846 261
Project duration December 2015 - March 2018
Status Completed

Important results from the project

A main aim of the project was to further the understanding of the factors leading to crashes, to be used for the development of countermeasures, and to acquire crash data. To reach this objective, the enhancement of methods for video annotations was a consequent aim of the project. The following results have been produced: 1. Enhancement of annotation schema for data collected from Video Event Recorder (VER) 2. Assessment of inter-rater reliability of VER videos coding performed by different annotators 3. Analysis of glance behaviour in and causation factors for crashes at intersection

Expected long term effects

The project has provided insight on the understanding of factors leading to crashes at intersections and on the enhancement of methods for video annotations. The results from the analyses of crashes at intersection have been used for the development of driver models and for the prospective benefit estimation of safety systems. The results provided by the inter-rater reliability study have produced improvements to the codebook for annotations of VER videos and favored the discussion during the Naturalistic Data Studies Task Force within the International Standard Organization.

Approach and implementation

The project started with two parallel tracks. One, the initial discussions among the partners on how we would prefer to organize a long-term relationship with the provider of VER data. The other, a continuation of the development of the codebook for annotations of VER data that we aimed to use during the project. After the withdrawal of the data provider from the project in December 2016, we reviewed our options and, after some time, shifted the project focus to analyze existing data and method development.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2015-06863