Algae ink for non-toxic and low carbon textile coloring
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Wargön Innovation AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 1 436 000 |
Project duration | August 2021 - November 2023 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Calls within the Hållbar Industri area |
Call | Upscaling for a sustainable industry |
Important results from the project
The purpose of the project was to introduce a more resource efficient and sustainable textile value chain with Mounid´s non-toxic algae ink in combination with Imogo´s spray technology for textile dyeing. The main goal was to produce dyed products for the project partners Fristads, Woolpower, Martinson and BAUX. Early research was carried out at Industridoktorn, prototypes were developed at 7H Färgeri and Imogo, a prototype manufacturing unit was set up at Wargön Innovation, an initial life cycle analysis was conducted by IVL and new circular business models have been identified.
Expected long term effects
Unique knowledge about the project´s more sustainable value chain through bio-based chemistry and resource efficient technology were discovered, where several parameters to consider based on the conventional textile value chain could be identified. The project was extended to favour the development process, resulting in four prototypes that can be applied in circular textile business models. In the long term, there is potential to achieve the desired effects of the project. New possibilities for Mounid´s algae ink have been discovered throughout the project.
Approach and implementation
Mounid´s algae ink was iteratively optimized in both an experimental and systematic context in the laboratory as well as through industrial dyeing trials. Material samples were evaluated via standardized quality tests. Project meetings and workshops were conducted, focusing on bio-based dye, product development, quality assurance and circular business models. The pilot production plant and the industrialization plan were prepared at an early stage to be used and developed during the project, while the life cycle analysis was carried out towards the end.