Accessible public transport - a mobility justice approach
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Umeå kommun - Stadsledningskontoret |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 500 000 |
Project duration | December 2017 - November 2018 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The project aimed to increase public transport attractivity and accessibility in a future sustainable mobility system through design-based approaches. Four specific public transport challenges were identified during spring 2018 as a starting point through various user involvement processes. With this as a starting point, one solution was prototyped during summer of 2018. In connection with EU CIVITAS Forum in Umeå, September 2018, an international workshop was organised to further engage resources for the next step of implementation.
Expected long term effects
The project has fulfilled its specified aims and objectives. All project partners have stated that they see clear positive effects from participating in the cooperation. This will now be taken forward in new cooperations, some already decided and underway, others still at a planning stage. One concrete example of continued work is the new Vinnova co-funded test bed ”Next generation transport and travel in an urban development perspective, Phase 1” where the methodology developed within this project will be further developed and implemented also in new mobility contexts.
Approach and implementation
The partnership has worked in a 3 step process. Based on prioritised areas, identified in an initial ”stake-holder mapping”, this has been concretised through four design-based approaches and a prototype. ”The gendered landscape” methodology as a starting point has been applied to public transport for the first time. The method enables important questions in urban development and identity to be raised, and has opened for sometimes provocative issues. At the same time this has also enabled a dynamic and creative approach in the project.