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A Multidisciplinary Approach to Water: Hydrosolidarity

Reference number
Coordinator Lunds universitet - LU Open
Funding from Vinnova SEK 200 000
Project duration October 2013 - July 2014
Status Completed

Important results from the project

The first purpose - showing the Swedish area of excellence in an interdisciplenary water was reached, for example by visiting Brussels and meet with EU-officers and staff from other relevant European organisations. The European Commission highlights that an interdisciplenary approach to water issues will be essential to be successful in future EU-calls. Thereby is also our second purpose reached.

Expected long term effects

A main result is that an interdisciplenary water apporach as a Swedish area of excellence is strenghtened and that the relevant actors have established a solid formation and thereby could react swifter and more promptly to initiatives from EU-level. We have also confirmation from the EU that interdisciplinarity will be at the core when deciding which consortia to award grants from EU R&D funds. Followingly, Sweden is at a good position to secure an increased amount of such funds.

Approach and implementation

The interdisciplenary platform had started to form as VINNOVA published the second call for a wider platform on a few selected national topics. Thanks to the initial formation of key actors, we were able to be successful in pinning water issues as one of the selected topics. Thereby we have a strong position to use when it comes to promote Swedish areas of intererest in Europe

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2013-02841