A global API for online grocery shopping
Reference number | |
Coordinator | FORKLIFT AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 300 000 |
Project duration | March 2017 - August 2017 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Innovative Startups |
Call | Innovativa startups fas 1 Våren 2017 |
Important results from the project
The primary goals of the project were achieved: a testable MVP was developed, proof-of-concept integrations were done (ICA, Coop, MatHem), and technical documentation was written. Several test orders were successfully placed with ICA Supermarket Sabbatsberg, Stockholm. We completed initial R&D of AI algorithms (product mapping, product recommendations, basket predictions). Also, we worked with our pilot partner to run a survey. Over 4 months, they had an average of 5000 monthly active users in 51 countries. Of those, 248 expressed interest for in-app grocery shopping.
Expected long term effects
We were successful in proving the technical feasibility of our business concepts. This validation proved to be extremely useful in talking to app developers, supermarkets, investors, and other external actors. Unfortunately, we ran into two non-technical roadblocks: 1) one co-founder left for a more stable, well-paying position at a well-known multinational tech company, and 2) after extensive discussions with our pilot partner, it was concluded that there was a lack of scale/density in Stockholm to justify more extensive market and usability testing with live users.
Approach and implementation
The technical components of the project (development of testable e-commerce platform / API, AI functionalities, and vendor integrations) progressed smoothly and according to plan. This was likely helped by the fact that the company founders / project participants have extensive software engineering experience. On the other hand, even though app developers showed interest in our company, we were less successful in non-technical areas of the business, specifically in recruiting and retaining talent as well as securing private funding.