6G Hub Sweden
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Stiftelsen Chalmers Industriteknik |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 899 968 |
Project duration | November 2024 - July 2025 |
Status | Ongoing |
Venture | Emerging technology solutions |
Call | Feasibility studies: Extended Reality Sweden, 6G Sweden, Neuromorphic Sweden |
Purpose and goal
The purpose of this feasibility study is to investigate the need for a Swedish collaboration and innovation platform within 6G technology. The platform must be a natural point of contact for the 6G actors - researchers, entrepreneurs, companies, financiers/investors and the public sector - and must be able to offer support for several different paths to exploitation. If the study finds a need for this 6G platform, the project goal will be to design a plan for its creation and implementation.
Expected effects and result
Through this feasibility study, we intend to lay the foundation for realizing the vision that in 2030 Sweden has a well-known and well-used 6G innovation platform, which through its activities has contributed to Swedish industry being internationally active and successful in the field of 6G technology.
Planned approach and implementation
The current situation and surrounding world will be mapped with regard to innovation support in the field of 6G technology, a needs specification for a national platform will be set, and a proposal for the design of this platform will be created and tested - all in collaboration with the 6G community. The information will be gathered through a mix of interviews and workshops. A separate work package will address sustainability aspects of the technology development.