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We talk about exciting innovations, funding, events and how your organization can become more innovative.
To tackle society's challenges and achieve sustainable transformation, organizations need to work more and better with each other. One form of this is long-term innovation collaborations, where different sectors come together to drive innovation forward. Vinnova participates and contributes expertise in several collaborations, including four major programme: Advanced digitalisation, Impact Innovation, Vehicle Strategic research and Innovation (FFI) and our strategic innovation programs (SIP).
A long-term innovation collaboration can be an innovation program, a meeting place or a strategic collaboration where different actors work together on an issue or area of importance to society. The parties often come from different sectors, such as business, academia, the public sector and civil society.
Working across borders is crucial to Sweden's ability to adapt and be globally competitive.
Working across borders is crucial to Sweden's ability to transform and be globally competitive. Long-term collaborations make it possible for many to create innovations and make a bigger difference - together.
Vinnova works with different types of long-term innovation collaborations, both large and small in nature. Our role can be as a government financier, innovation expert, participant or owner.
In some of our larger programme, listed below, we look at, among other things, the digitalization of industry, the transport system of the future, sustainable products and services, and innovation for sustainable development.
The research and innovation program Advanced digitalisation will give Swedish industry a leading role in future digital solutions. Solutions that strengthen competitiveness and enable and accelerate the green transition. The initiators are ABB, Ericsson, Saab, Teknikföretagen and Sweden's innovation agency Vinnova.
Vehicle Strategic research and Innovation (FFI) is a collaborative program between the state and the automotive industry that has funded research and innovation in road transport since 2009.
Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas finance seventeen strategic innovation programmes. Through collaboration in areas that are strategically important for Sweden, the conditions for sustainable solutions to global societal challenges and increased international competitiveness are created. Within the programmes, companies, academia and organisations work together to develop the sustainable products and services of the future.
We talk about exciting innovations, funding, events and how your organization can become more innovative.
Last updated 12 February 2025