Evaluation: Strategic innovation programs contribute to more industry-relevant research
Better collaborations between researchers and companies, increased innovative capacity and more industry-relevant orientation in research environments. These are some of the results of an evaluation of six strategic innovation programs nine years after they started. The long-term nature of the programs is described as a success factor.
Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas finance 17 strategic innovation programs for collaboration in research and innovation. The programs must contribute to creating the conditions for sustainable solutions to global societal challenges and increased international competitiveness.
The second round of six programme that started in 2014 has now undergone a major evaluation nine years after its start: BioInnovation (circular economy), Innovair (aviation technology), IoT Sverige (internet of things), SIO Grafen (2D materials), Smartare elektroniksystem and Swelife (life sciences). The evaluation has been carried out by Sweco.
Some of the conclusions of the evaluation:
- The programs have led to new networks, collaboration and the increase in knowledge that it generates.
- They have contributed to strategically important initiatives in skills supply.
- A majority of the companies that participated state that they have become better at innovation collaborations with researchers. A large majority of the researchers state the same when it comes to collaborations with companies.
- Companies and researchers state an increased innovative capacity within the subject areas of the programs and researchers state that there has been a more industry-relevant orientation in the research environments.
- The programs are assessed to a large extent to contribute to the overall impact goals for the investment, which are about strengthened sustainable growth, strengthened competitiveness and making Sweden an attractive country to invest in and conduct activities in.
- The long-term investment pays off by being able to develop the programs over time. Programme that particularly contribute to renewal are good at building new bridges between areas of knowledge and technology that previously did not have much interaction.
The evaluation forms the basis for the authorities' decision on continued funding of the programs.
- Collaboration in research and innovation is crucial for Sweden's long-term competitiveness and to be able to meet complex societal challenges. The learning that the evaluations provide is also something we take with us in the work with other initiatives. This applies not least to the next generation strategic innovation program, Impact Innovation, where the first programs will start in 2024, says Darja Isaksson, director general of Vinnova.
Facts about strategic innovation programs
Strategic innovation programs are an effort by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas on actor-driven partnership programmes that will contribute to the conditions for sustainable solutions to global societal challenges and increased international competitiveness. It is a government effort of a total of eight billion kroner on programme that can receive funding for up to twelve years, where business and other actors contribute an equal amount. All programme undergo a comprehensive evaluation every three years. In 2022, a nine-year evaluation was made of the first five programs that started in 2013.
About the programs evaluated in 2023
BioInnovation focuses on the circular bioeconomy, a cross-sector area related to bio-based solutions, recycling and reuse. The efforts include, among other things, project announcements, seminars, conferences, and educational efforts. It is led by the Forest Industries in collaboration with IKEM and TEKO.
Innovair is about aeronautical research and innovation. The efforts include project announcements, coordination in Swedish R&I strategic terms both nationally and internationally, research training and promotion of the innovation ecosystem, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises. The program is led by the Swedish Aviation Association and the funding is mostly linked to the Aviation engineering research (NFFP).
IoT Sverige focuses on how solutions based on the Internet of Things (IoT) can contribute to increased quality of life, sustainable welfare, growth and competitiveness by meeting the needs of public organizations. Through project announcements, interaction within IoT Forum and dissemination of knowledge, the program has focused on testing solutions in a real environment and on paving the way for the solutions. IoT Sverige is led by Uppsala University.
SIO Grafen deals with so-called 2D materials, primarily the new material graphene. These extremely thin materials have properties that other materials lack and many potential areas of application. Through project announcements and strategic efforts, SIO Grafen has focused on helping Swedish actors to identify and develop these applications, and on creating an innovation ecosystem. The program is led by Chalmers Industriteknik.
Smarter electronics systems works to strengthen Swedish industry by focusing on efforts within electronics systems. The program name refers to electronics components with built-in software, enabling advanced digitalisation in a variety of areas. The efforts have, among other things, consisted of project announcements, needs mapping, environmental analyzes as well as meeting places and events. The program is managed by Teknikföretagen.
Swelife targets the entire life science system: universities, companies, healthcare and other public sectors, as well as patient representatives. The focus is on the development and scaling up of solutions for better public health, above all through project announcements and the promotion of cooperation. Swelife often takes a national coordinating role and runs many self-initiated project. The program is led by Lund University.
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Last updated 11 December 2023