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Eight innovation platforms for sustainable food systems

Published: 8 November 2023

Now Vinnova finances eight innovation platforms to create innovation at the system level, for a sustainable and competitive food system. The platforms should, for example, strengthen the Swedish value chain for alternative proteins, find innovative ways for Sweden to become more self-sufficient and develop the places where consumers meet food.

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The research is clear and the industry agrees – the food system needs to be changed to become sustainable for both people and the environment. The aim of the initiative "A new recipe for the food system" is to contribute to that transformation. In the initiative, a wide range of actors and competences work together in an innovation platform with a focus on some ambitious conversion goals. The platforms consist of at least three organizations and must contribute to experimentation and exploration of new methods and ways of working.

- We see that there is fragmentation in the food system and a lack of common objective. Development in the food system is ongoing, but it is far too slow. Greater opportunities are needed to be bold and try new things. Innovation is central to achieving a sustainable and competitive food system, but it is not enough to streamline and do what we do better. We need to do differently and more radically, says Anna Löfgren Wilteus, call manager at Vinnova.

Cooperation with the Agency for Growth

The investment is being made in collaboration with the Norwegian Agency for Growth, which is now joining forces with Vinnova. The work is based on eight bold and inspiring objective, so-called missions, for a sustainable food system. Based on the missions, the actors who are financed must mobilize resources and commitment from other actors and companies in the Swedish food system. Together the actors will lead the development in producing the good, healthy and sustainable food of the future.

- Innovation is crucial to securing a sustainable and resilient food supply. Not least in a rapidly changing global market and for international competitiveness. Together with the Agency for Growth, we want to create the conditions to increase the pace of the transition, says Darja Isaksson, director general of Vinnova.

In addition to Vinnova's funding of the innovation platforms, the Swedish Growth Agency also enables innovation-driven efforts at regional level with its funding. Read more on the Agency for Growth's website.

During the first stage of 18 months the innovation platforms receive a total of 28 million.

About the innovation platforms

Food environments that drive system transformation​

In 2033, Sweden's public food environments secure the needs of man, society and nature. The place where food meets the consumer, such as the store, restaurant, school or the web, is a key to which choices are made. Today's food environments do not always contribute to sustainable and healthy food choices. Food environments need to be developed so that they strengthen public health, the economy and sustainable food production.

Actors: Organic Sweden, WWF, Reformaten, Södertälje municipality

Biotech Heights​

By 2035, everyone will be eating new fermented foods every day. An innovation platform for bioprocess techniques, such as fermentation, where we can develop new ingredients and foods that are good, accessible and sustainable. The key is handling biomass, side streams and climate-smart crops. With biotechnology, the production of new food can increase, and provide better environmental sustainability, to a growing global population.

Actors: Lund University, Future by Lund, Tetra Pak

Innovation platform city

Within a decade, a third of the food consumed in Malmö is produced, processed and sold in the city.​ The city is the hub of a transformation where food is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. It can shorten value chains and enable circularity. The city becomes an engine of change for how food is produced, distributed and consumed.

Actors: Innovation Skåne AB, Ernst & Young AB (Doberman), Malmö municipality

The protein revolution

World-class Swedish proteins. A revolution that fundamentally changes the way we produce, consume and look at proteins in Sweden based on economic, social and ecological sustainability. We need to strengthen the Swedish value chain for alternative proteins, create new consumption behaviors and challenge accepted norms.

Actors: Alba Ecological Information Institute, Peter O Bolinder AB, Lunds Universitet, Beteendelabbet AB, Planethon AB, Gustav Johansson AB

Food for everyone - Close and together!

In the future, Sweden is self-sufficient, has sustainable production and can last 30 days without access to imported inputs or food. This mission focuses on producing food, with a diversity of producers, close to where it is consumed. The distribution of resources needs to become more efficient and a greater spread of risks is needed compared to the current food system.

Actors: Coompanion Roslagen & Norrort ek for, Sveriges Civilförsvarsförbund, Coompanion-Kooperativ Utveckling Stockholms Län, Mikrofonden Sverige ek for

The Collaborative Accelerator to Regenerate the Food System

Regenerate the food system to 2038. The mission focuses on regenerative agriculture and new routes for food from producer to consumer. It is about creating a profitable, competitive, resilient and sustainable food system. The regenerative system is based on methods for better tillage, crop rotation and carbon storage. The aim is reduced climate impact, increased biological diversity, healthier soils and more nutrient-dense food.

Actors: Pareco AB, Mälardalen University, Academy for Innovation Design & Technology IDT, Fincipio AB, KihlKom AB​.

A new recipe for the protein shift

In 2040, 9 out of 10 meals consumed in Sweden will be within the planet's borders. Foodtech startups in collaboration with large companies and other actors, pave the way for a protein shift. The meals need to be sustainable, healthy, accessible to everyone and taste good. It's not just about protein. Other components such as carbohydrates, fat, salt and sugar may also need to be changed.

Actors: RISE, Mörk Materia Laboratoriet AB, SISP Service & Development AB​

Transformation platform for a health-promoting food system

By 2035, the food system promotes a healthy life for all. Eating habits constitute one of the biggest risk factors for disease, where energy-dense but nutrient-poor food attracts unhealthy choices. At the same time, health gaps are increasing due to unequal access to food. It must become "easy to choose the right" health-promoting and sustainable foods.

Actors: Skåne Livsmedelsakademi, Dietisternas Riksförbund, Frisk Mat, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB​


Anna Löfgren Wilteus

Programme manager

+46 8 473 32 66

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Last updated 13 November 2023