94 million for challenge-driven innovation
Personal protection against fall injuries among the elderly, sustainable management of stormwater and collaboration within the food system for increased carbon storage in agricultural land. These are some of the collaborative projects that Vinnova finances within the Challenge-driven innovation program.
In the projects, broad constellations of companies, public enterprises, universities, research institutes and civil society work together in the long term to meet important societal challenges and contribute to achieving the global sustainability goals in Agenda 2030.
12 project gets funding with a total of 94 million to develop, test and implement solutions on a larger scale.
Example of project:
Personal protection against fall injuries to improve the quality of life of the elderly
The project will contribute to improved health and well-being of the elderly by developing innovative protective solutions that can prevent fall-related hip injuries. With close collaboration with end users / customers in pensioner organizations and care / elderly care, specialists in materials science, test development, simulation and sensor technology will design, produce, test and evaluate aesthetically pleasing solutions with optimized performance, comfort and price. RISE coordinates. Academics, regions and municipalities, the manufacturing industry and insurance companies participate.
Open platform for property automation
The project will enable new types of digital services that can be used in many different environments. By opening and "standardizing" platforms and data models, installing data-driven services in real estate will be as easy as installing a mobile app on the phone. RISE coordinates a large consortium of construction and system players and property managers.
Digital social ecosystem for smart rural development
The project wants to streamline the home service with the help of digitalisation and IoT (the Internet of Things), in order to be able to redirect staff to spend more qualitative time on the user. To solve the challenge, the project will methodically develop the social infrastructure around the digital solutions, with the user in focus. The project will lead to complete solutions in a combination of man, method and technology in a functioning ecosystem. Vingåkers municipality acts as a coordinator with academia and system developers.
Increased participation in the labor market for accompanying migration
The purpose of the project is that a larger proportion of the 32,000 people who come to Sweden annually as a result of skills immigration become self-sufficient and reach the labor market. In this way, they want to improve the situation of the accompanying, increase the proportion of successful skills recruitment where seven out of ten are interrupted today within a year, and create tax revenue. The solution to be developed is a service innovation based on working methods and a digital tool. Auranest Holding AB coordinates the consortium in which, among others, the Swedish Public Employment Service and training companies participate.
Collaboration for a sustainable management of stormwater on neighborhood land
The project will lead to increased implementation and incentives for sustainable measures for stormwater management on neighborhood land through the development of policies and business models, sustainability analyzes, procurement support, education and knowledge dissemination. RISE is a coordinator with a broad consortium from academia, real estate and municipality.
Location of fishing gear
Abandoned or lost fishing gear has a significant negative impact on marine life in the form of "ghost fishing" and pollution through microplastics that can move through the food chain and affect marine food guarantee. Today, there are neither global rules for locating fishing gear nor cost-effective technology for locating underwater. To reduce the environmental damage that occurs, the project will develop new cost-effective equipment and improve the IoT system. RISE Acreo is the coordinator with a total of 12 actors from academia, business and the public sector.
Solutions for safe and inclusive calls
The project will develop and test solutions for safe and inclusive conversations in the media, to help deal with the growing polarization in public conversation. The approach to be tested is based on constructive journalism methodology linked to digital tools. The project wants to increase the breadth of the people who participate in public conversations. RISE coordinates with academia, Mitt I Direkt and Norrmedia in the constellation.
Collaboration within the food system for increased carbon storage in agricultural land
Svensk Kolinlagring is building a platform that contributes to halting climate change, increasing soil content and fertility, preserving and creating ecosystem services and improving harvests and profitability in Swedish agriculture. The collaborative project includes farmers, other companies in the food system, researchers, advisory bodies and competencies in measurement, IT and certification. Within the project, pilot farms apply carbon storage methods, the effects of which are measured, and then analyzed and modeled. With this knowledge, a technical platform is developed and various business models for a carbon storage farm are tested. MiljöMatematik Malmö AB is a coordinator with a total of five actors from academia and business.
Ecological compensation and climate compensation for biodiversity
The project aims to develop a credible, transparent market-based trading solution for ecological compensation and climate compensation that benefits biodiversity. Calluna AB coordinates in partnerships with, among others, forest owners, academia and municipalities.
Tailored innovations for reduced emissions and lower risks of resistance development in bacteria
The project's objective to develop sustainable antimicrobial products with minimal environmental impact and antimicrobial resistance risk for healthcare, such as hospital textiles and dental and hearing implants, advanced wound care and marine aquaculture. RISE coordinates a consortium with, among other things, academia and the chemical industry.
Tools for planning, control and prediction for coordinated and optimal ergonomics and efficiency
Today, there are no user-friendly methods for simultaneously evaluating solutions from different perspectives, such as efficiency, load ergonomics, organization of work and other organizational / social factors. The objective innovation is to develop and disseminate a tool with the ability to coordinate and optimize both ergonomics and efficiency in companies. RISE IVF is the coordinator with a total of 11 actors from academia, business and the public sector.
Biochar as a solution and product in the circular and climate-positive society
Biochar is a recognized carbon sink that also has positive properties for the environment and human well-being. The project will further develop pyrolysis for, among other things, park and garden waste, sewage sludge and seaweed and calculate the climate benefit when these residual products are processed into biochar. The carbon sink this provides must be calculated and a transparent and traceable trade developed. Lunds municipality coordinates a broad consortium of actors.
Challenge-driven innovation
Vinnova's efforts for challenge-driven innovation are undergoing a development which means that new project will be financed in the areas that Vinnova is working on, instead of through a special programme. Ongoing project in step 2 of the current program will have the opportunity for continued funding until 2023.
Last updated 29 June 2021