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Press release

Mobilise the entire society for sustainable development

Published: 31 October 2019

To meet the major societal challenges we face, new knowledge and innovation is needed throughout society. To the government's research policy bill, Vinnova proposes important strategic initiatives and new forms of cooperation between academia, the state and business to increase the pace of the transition to a sustainable society.

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Today, Vinnova submits its response to the government's research and innovation bill. It is based on an analysis conducted by Vinnova to show how we can strengthen Sweden with research and innovation.

- Our ability to contribute to solutions to global challenges is crucial for our future as a knowledge nation, for our business and for our welfare. We need to mobilize and utilize innovation throughout society to find new solutions and challenge current solutions and regulations, ”says Darja Isaksson, director general of Vinnova.

Some suggestions that Vinnova makes in its response:

System demonstrators mobilize for a sustainable society

To achieve the global sustainability goals Agenda 2030, the entire society, from business to researchers, the public sector and civil society, needs to gather energy in a common direction. For example, if we want to create fossil-free cities, system demonstrators are a powerful tool. All relevant actors collaborate and test new solutions in a real environment, on a smaller scale. Through the tests you quickly see what is possible and what is limiting. The purpose is to quickly find solutions that can be scaled up and used on a larger scale. It also becomes clear which laws and regulations need to be developed. The Swedish system demonstrators should be linked to similar initiatives currently underway in the EU. Vinnova proposes a state funding 50 million from 2021, which is gradually shifted up to half a billion per year by 2024 and co-financed by companies and regions with at least as much.

Enables digital transformation

Investments in digital transformation are crucial to Sweden's long-term competitiveness. Vinnova proposes a strategic effort on research and innovation for artificial intelligence and other enabling technologies, in combination with an effort on world-class digital infrastructure for innovation environments. The investment should be gradually scaled up to SEK 400 million per year, where business and other actors co-finance equally.

Strengthen Sweden's innovative ecosystem

The ability to translate research into innovations and open up global value chains for individual entrepreneurs and start-ups is central. Close cooperation is therefore crucial. Vinnova proposes an effort on a new national programme for innovative ecosystems with 250 million a year that will take a holistic approach to the Swedish innovation environments and which will include new industrial innovation hubs, further development of incubation and acceleration for small businesses, with strengthened international connectivity and increased gender equality in focus.

Develop regulations in public activities

Regulations in public activities affect the innovation climate. Several countries have set up so-called \"regulatory sandboxes\" that, under controlled conditions, allow entrepreneurs and innovators to develop and test new products and services. At the same time, it helps authorities to formulate rules that promote rather than hinder innovation. Vinnova proposes a national policy lab and funding of experimental development in the authorities for system innovation in public activities.

Other proposals from Vinnova include a developed effort on strategic innovation programs, a research and innovation program in precision health, strengthened support for intangible assets and stronger incentives for universities to collaborate and lifelong learning.

Read all Vinnova's recordings and analysis appendices

Facts about Vinnova's contribution to the research policy bill

Vinnova has been commissioned by the Government to provide supporting documents with proposals and analyzes for research and innovation policy in Sweden. On 31 October, Vinnova submitted a proposal with a proposal and an analysis appendix to justify the proposals. It complements the common ground that Vinnova has produced together with the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Energy Agency, Forte, Formas and the Space Agency. The research policy bill is submitted to Parliament in 2020 and sets the direction for Sweden's research and innovation policy for the next four years.

Last updated 31 October 2019

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