IHI is an Private-Public partnership between the EU and the industry organizations representing the sectors involved in healthcare, namely COCIR (Medical Imaging, Radiotherapy, ICT and Electromedical Enterprise). Efpia, including Vaccin Europa (pharmaceutical and vaccine company). EuropaBio (biotech company); and MedTech Europe (medical technology company).
Strategy to integrate different sectors:
IHI's objective is to translate health research and health innovation into tangible benefits for patients and society and ensure that Europe is at the forefront of interdisciplinary, sustainable, patient-centered health research. Health care research and health care increasingly encompass different sectors.
By supporting project that bring these sectors together, IHI will pave the way for a more integrated approach to health care, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and disease management.
The IHI has a total budget of 2.4 billion euros spanning 7 years and is jointly funded by the EU and industry organizations representing Europe's life science posts.
It is important to create constellations of actors early on, for example through the matching tools and events that the initiative organizes.
Innovative Health Initiative website
Upcoming calls for proposals
Subscribe to the IHI newsletter for regular information
IHI Call Days (b2match.io)
Dobril Petkov: dobril.petkov@vinnova.se
Caroline Ekstrand: caroline.ekstrand@vinnova.se