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International cooperation in health

The challenges we have in the field of health are global and international cooperation is a prerequisite for solving them. As an operator in the field, there are many opportunities for collaboration and funding. You can get help and support to search for any of the offers we list here.

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European collaborations in health

There is a plethora of international programme for health. Vinnova, together with the Swedish Research Council, Forte, the Public Health Agency and the Agency for Digital Administration, can guide you to 6 European programme, which in turn often contain several sub-programmes. The programs are explained below.

If you want more guidance, you can get help from us and the following bodies:

  • EU-SME support office
  • Research service or innovation office at your universities or organisations
  • Direct contact with responsible programme manager for the programs. Contact person can be found in the information about the programs. The responsible public authority is
    • Vinnova, the Swedish Research Council and Forte (Horisont Europa)
    • Public Health Agency (EU4Health)
    • The Authority for Digital Administration (DIGITAL)

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  • Vinnova has a government assignment to contribute to the development of strategic relationships and long-term promotion of innovation together with priority countries.

    Vinnova has a government assignment to contribute to the development of strategic relationships and long-term promotion of innovation together with priority countries.

    The activities are to develop and facilitate cooperation within the framework of, for example, Sweden's international agreements and partnerships. See below for current calls for proposals within health:

    Improve your project proposal before proposal in Horisont Europa 

    Contact:Bianca Dochtorowicz
  • Cluster 1 health within Horisont Europa has a budget of around 8 billion euros which is distributed over 2-year work programs over 7 years. Cluster 1 health finances research and innovation that leads to better knowledge, maintained health and treatment of diseases in an equal way throughout Europe. Within the framework of cluster 1 health's budget, the cancer mission and European R&I partnership are also included, see the respective headings below.

    Cluster 1 health within Horisont Europa has a budget of around 8 billion euros which is distributed over 2-year work programs over 7 years. Cluster 1 health finances research and innovation that leads to better knowledge, maintained health and treatment of diseases in an equal way throughout Europe. Within the framework of cluster 1 health's budget, the cancer mission and European R&I partnership are also included, see the respective headings below.

    An important objective for the cluster is to maintain an innovative, sustainable and globally competitive health industry. The cluster includes integrated, person-centred and equal health and care. In addition, a sustainable digital transformation of European healthcare systems, secure and ethical data management and reliable supply chains, but also health promotion and prevention efforts are sought.

    Structure map for HEU

    Vinnova's website for Horisont Europa

    Open and upcoming calls for proposals

    Here you can find the work program 2023-2024:

    Horizon Europe work programs (


    For questions about the application process and range of calls for proposals contact the National Contact Point (NCP) for Horisont Europa Kluster 1 Health

    For questions about national processes regarding admission of records to Cluster 1, contact Expert Kluster 1

  • Missions is a new effort within Horisont Europa and can be described as strategically directed research and innovation initiatives that aim to focus resources, human as well as financial, around a few selected societal challenges that require innovative solutions.

    Missions is a new effort within Horisont Europa and can be described as strategically directed research and innovation initiatives that aim to focus resources, human as well as financial, around a few selected societal challenges that require innovative solutions.

    Read more about the EU's five mission areas on Vinnova's website

    Within health they work with a mission for cancer with the goal that three million lives will be saved and live longer in health. A mission board on cancer has developed recommendations and priorities to be implemented through, among other things, 2-year work programs.

    Here is the work program 2023-2024

    Horizon Europe work programs (


    For questions about the application process and range of calls for proposals contact the National Contact Point (NCP) for Horisont Europa EU Missions

    For questions about national processes regarding admission of recordings to EU Mission Cancer

    Information about the National Board of Health and Welfare's work with the coordination of the EU's Beating Cancer Plan

  • Within the framework of Horisont Europa, cluster 1 health, a number of Europeiska FoI partnerships are also included. The Europeiska FoI partnerships are a collaboration between member states, third countries and the European Commission. Each partnership lasts for 7 years, is estimated to have a total budget of more than 300 million euros and has annual calls for proposals.

    Within the framework of Horisont Europa, cluster 1 health, a number of Europeiska FoI partnerships are also included. The Europeiska FoI partnerships are a collaboration between member states, third countries and the European Commission. Each partnership lasts for 7 years, is estimated to have a total budget of more than 300 million euros and has annual calls for proposals.

    Those listed below are so-called public-public partnerships between the European Commission, member states, associated countries and third countries. The partnerships build on previous ventures. There are also other Europeiska FoI partnerships such as EU-Africa Global Partnership where SIDA participates and Innovative Health Inititative, see separate heading. In addition to these, we also have Eurostars. More information about Eurostars on Vinnova's website.

    There are six so-called co-financed partnerships that build on previous ventures.

    Vinnova finances Swedish participation in the calls for proposals together with the Swedish Research Council, Forte and Sida. The financing takes place based on each authority's own mission and regulations.

    You can find more information about the partnerships on the Commission's website


  • IHI is an Private-Public partnership between the EU and the industry organizations representing the sectors involved in healthcare, namely COCIR (Medical Imaging, Radiotherapy, ICT and Electromedical Enterprise). Efpia, including Vaccin Europa (pharmaceutical and vaccine company). EuropaBio (biotech company); and MedTech Europe (medical technology company).

    IHI is an Private-Public partnership between the EU and the industry organizations representing the sectors involved in healthcare, namely COCIR (Medical Imaging, Radiotherapy, ICT and Electromedical Enterprise). Efpia, including Vaccin Europa (pharmaceutical and vaccine company). EuropaBio (biotech company); and MedTech Europe (medical technology company).

    Strategy to integrate different sectors:

    IHI's objective is to translate health research and health innovation into tangible benefits for patients and society and ensure that Europe is at the forefront of interdisciplinary, sustainable, patient-centered health research. Health care research and health care increasingly encompass different sectors.

    By supporting project that bring these sectors together, IHI will pave the way for a more integrated approach to health care, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and disease management.

    The IHI has a total budget of 2.4 billion euros spanning 7 years and is jointly funded by the EU and industry organizations representing Europe's life science posts.

    It is important to create constellations of actors early on, for example through the matching tools and events that the initiative organizes.

    Innovative Health Initiative website
    Upcoming calls for proposals

    Subscribe to the IHI newsletter for regular information

    IHI Call Days (


    Dobril Petkov:

    Caroline Ekstrand:

  • Funding the development, commercialization and scale-up of breakthrough innovation. The program also provides support for business development to researchers and small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Funding the development, commercialization and scale-up of breakthrough innovation. The program also provides support for business development to researchers and small and medium-sized enterprises.

    The program consists of three orientations

    • Pathfinder - support for research teams to research or develop breakthrough technology.
    • Transition - finances promising research results to be able to develop technology and business plans and become ready for the market.
    • EIC Accelerator - funding for individual start-ups and small businesses to develop and scale up ground-breaking innovations

    European Innovation Council website


    National contact person: josefin.vandermeer@vinnova.sealternatively

  • The program runs during 2021–2027 with a total budget of 7.6 billion euros. The aim is to build capacity and infrastructure within the EU to facilitate the broad use of digital technology, also in the field of health, and to put research results on the market.

    The program runs during 2021–2027 with a total budget of 7.6 billion euros. The aim is to build capacity and infrastructure within the EU to facilitate the broad use of digital technology, also in the field of health, and to put research results on the market.

    The program finances project within five specific objective:

    • High Performance Computing (HPC)
    • Artificial intelligence
    • Cyber security
    • Advanced digital skills
    • Ensure broad use of digital technologies

    The program's own websiteThe program for a digital Europe (DIGITAL) on DIGG's websiteThe work program for 2021-2022
    Work program 2023–2024 will be published in the fourth quarter of 2022

    All open calls for proposals


    For health-related calls for proposals it is possible to contact National contact point (NCP) for the entire DIGITAL program is

  • The program aims to improve health, tackle common health challenges, improve medicine and medical equipment and strengthen the healthcare system. The program runs until 2027 and has a budget of more than 830 million euros.

    The program aims to improve health, tackle common health challenges, improve medicine and medical equipment and strengthen the healthcare system. The program runs until 2027 and has a budget of more than 830 million euros.

    The program is divided into four focus areas

    • Crisis preparedness
    • promotion and prevention solutions
    • health system and skilled workforce

    There are three different types of calls for proposals

    • Joint Actions is a direct grant that is primarily given to authorities or nationally overarching organizations in the member countries. The organizations applying must have similar functions in each country.
    • Action grants are support for research and innovation projects.
    • Tenders are used when various services and goods are to be bought in as support for the health programme. Advertised mainly here but also through the EU tender portal.

    Program website
    Funding by Action grants


    National contact point (NCP) for EU4Health Pär Vikström

  • EIT Health is one of eight Knowledge and Innovation Centers (KIC) within the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body within the European Union under Horisont Europas pillar III – Ett Innovativt Europa.

    EIT Health is one of eight Knowledge and Innovation Centers (KIC) within the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body within the European Union under Horisont Europas pillar III – Ett Innovativt Europa.

    EIT Health Scandinavia based in Stockholm is a so-called Co-Location Center (regional hub) for EIT Health, which is part of European Institute of Innovation and Technology, a body within the European Union.

    EIT Health is one of Europe's largest networks in life science innovation and health, and is active in three areas: entrepreneurship, education and health innovation. EIT Health is a collaboration between 130 partner organizations in industry, healthcare, research institutions, universities and the public sector. EIT Health's mission is to improve the quality of life for European citizens by promoting innovation in healthcare and providing training for the next generation of healthcare professionals. EIT Health Scandinavia has partners in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Estonia and was established in 2015.

    Listen to the recording of the EIT info event

    If you missed the information event in October, you can listen to the recordings including the one where EIT Health presents.

    National EIT and KIC Info Event

    More information and contact details

    EIT's website

    Kontakta EIT

    National contact person Vinnova, Julia Hellström 


Last updated 3 February 2025