Nya beteenden och arbetsvillkor innebär nya kunskapsbehov både lokalt och globalt. Ett matchningsbehov har uppstått.
Competence supply
The ability to face the future with the right skills is the biggest and most important challenge in working life and a strategic issue for all organizations. Competence provision is crucial for changing and maintaining Sweden's role as an internationally competitive, sustainable and equal society.
It is a complex area that connects to several policy areas and tasks distributed among municipalities, regions and national authorities as well as the private and non-profit sector. In the area, Vinnova has two main roles, primarily linked to higher education, research and excellence.
- Vinnova offers research and innovation grants to inspire, stimulate and support new thinking and innovative project that tackle challenges in different ways, such as matching and mobility, educational collaboration and work-integrated learning.
- Vinnova also has a process and knowledge support function where, on the basis of government assignment, various cooperation groups, networks and via knowledge base, we try to stimulate coordination and cooperation, contribute to the exchange of experience and knowledge sharing, develop and challenge policies and more.
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Last updated 15 May 2023