What is Eureka?
Eureka is a company-driven programme, which means that the needs of companies and users determine which project are carried out. Small and large companies, research institutes, universities and other relevant actors from at least two member countries collaborate in the projects. The network currently has 45 participating countries. The focus is on Europe, but South Korea, Canada, South Africa, Chile and Argentina also participate.
Eureka finances project through the sub-programmes:
- Eurostars - a programme for research SMEs
- Eureka cluster– funding international industrial cooperation.
- Network projects – Company-driven international research and development projects close to the market. Mainly used in bilateral and multilateral calls for proposals with certain countries.
- Innowwide - support for small and medium-sized companies' global expansion.
project Funding takes place via the national authorities that are members of Eureka.
Who can participate?
Eureka is primarily aimed at companies with their own research and development, but is also open to participation from research institutes, universities and the public sector. For more information, see the various programs' rules for participation.
Vinnova's role
Vinnova is the national contact authority for Eureka in Sweden and finances and administers funding for Swedish actors. Vinnova sets aside around SEK 200 million per year for the Eureka collaboration.
Eureka's own website
On Eureka's website you can read more about the programs, see open calls for proposals and find everything you need to know to be able to make a correct proposal.